API Rest

Get a name!

wget -c https://damegender.davidam.com/names/inter/ADA_all.json

Get the most used names in Spain (ES)

wget -c https://damegender.davidam.com/names/top/esall.json

Installation (GNU/Linux and MacOS tested)


  • If you don't know the gender about a name
  • If you have a csv file, a mbox file, or a repository and you want to know males and females.
  • If you want to download csv files about gender and names from any country
  • If you want to compare csv files about gender and names related to accuracies, precision, errors, ...
  • If you want see the most used names in different countries
  • If you want research with statistics about why a name is related with males or females.
  • If you want Free Software.
  • If you want check and use the main solutions in gender detection tools from the name (genderize, genderapi, namsor, nameapi or gender guesser) with a command.



Industrial and Scientific Speeches

DameGender Dataset (English)

DameGender Dataset (English)

Damegender in SATTOSE

SATTOSE 2020 (Netherlands, TUE)

Phd in 3 minutes (English)

Phd in 3 minutes (URJC)

Speech about Damegender in Software Freedom Day (Spanish, 2019)

Software Freedom Day 2019 (URJC)

Damegender in Python Barcelona

PyBCN 2019

TV URJC in 2020



Damegender desde los comandos

Damegender desde los comandos (spanish) (1:07:53)

Instalación de Damegender

Instalación de Damegender (spanish) (3:56)

Damegender Installation

Damegender Installation (english) (5:07)

damegender main command
damegender main command (2:16)
api2gender command
api2gender (1:27)
csv2gender command
csv2gender (00:38)
git2gender command
git2gender (2:07)
mail2gender command
mail2gender (00:36)
nameincountries command
nameincountries (0:07)
surnameincountries command
surnameincountries (00:06)
More counts with Damegender (01:29)
top (01:36)

Statistics about Gender and Names

Programming Languages (Interpreters and Compilers)

The first step is to understand that exists a problem ... Later, you must solve it, as an high priority project

These statistics is about counting gender in technologies closed to the Turing ideas: operating system, interpreters, compilers...

GCC compiler developers by Gender GCC People by Gender
Try yourself:
python3 git2gender.py https://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git --country='inter' --directory="tmp/clonegcc" --show=all --verbose > files/logs/git2gendergcc-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H").txt
Python interpreter developers by Gender Python People by Gender
Try yourself:
python3 git2gender.py https://github.com/python/cpython --country='inter' --directory="tmp/clonecpython" --show=all --verbose > files/logs/git2genderpython-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H").txt
GNU Bash interpreter developers by Gender GNU People by Gender
Try yourself:
python3 git2gender.py https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/bash.git --country='inter' --directory="tmp/clonebash" --show=all --verbose > files/logs/git2genderbash-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H").txt
GNU R interpreter developers by Gender GNU People by Gender
Try yourself:
python3 git2gender.py https://github.com/r-devel/r-svn --country="inter" --directory="tmp/cloner" --show=all --verbose > files/logs/git2gender-r-devel-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H").txt
Ruby interpreter developers by Gender Ruby People by Gender
Try yourself:
python3 git2gender.py https://github.com/ruby/ruby --directory="tmp/cloneruby" --country="inter" --show=all --verbose > files/logs/git2gender_ruby-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H").txt
Perl interpreter developers by Gender. Perl People by Gender
Try yourself:
$ python3 git2gender.py https://github.com/Perl/perl5 --country='inter' --directory="tmp/cloneperl" --show=all --verbose > files/logs/git2genderperl-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H").txt
Emacs Lisp interpreter developers by Gender GNU Emacs People by Gender
Try yourself:
$ python3 git2gender.py git://git.sv.gnu.org/emacs.git --country="inter" --directory="/tmp/emacs" --show=all --verbose > files/logs/git2gender-emacs-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H").txt
TCL/TK interpreter developers by Gender TCL People by Gender
Try yourself:
$ python3 git2gender.py https://github.com/tcltk/tcl --country='inter' --directory="tmp/clonetcl" --show=all --verbose > files/logs/git2gendertcl-$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H").txt